• 1401/08/17
  • - تعداد بازدید: 84
  • زمان مطالعه : کمتر از یک دقیقه

علوم بیومدیکال مقایسه ای: Human Brain Cells Implanted in Rats Prompt Excitement and Concern

(گروه علوم بیومدیکال مقایسه ای) Human Brain Cells Implanted in Rats Prompt Excitement — and Concern

Miniature human-brain-like structures transplanted into rats can send signals and respond to environmental cues picked up by the rats’ whiskers, according to a study. This demonstration that neurons grown from human stem cells can interface with nerve cells in live rodents could lead to a way to test therapies for human brain disorders. Scientists would like to use brain organoids — tiny brain-like structures grown from human stem cells — to study neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders that humans develop. But the organoids mimic human brains only so far.



  • گروه خبری : اخبار دانشکده
  • کد خبری : 79490


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