• 1401/09/02
  • - تعداد بازدید: 71
  • زمان مطالعه : کمتر از یک دقیقه

علوم بیومدیکال مقایسه ای: The anterior lateral motor cortex plays a major role in premature actions, or 'jumping the gun'

The anterior lateral motor cortex plays a major role in premature actions, or 'jumping the gun'

In a study published in Nature Neuroscience, a team led by The Florey's Associate Professor Lucy Palmer found that the anterior lateral motor cortex a part of the brain that plans physical movement plays a major role in premature actions, or "jumping the gun."

When cell activity in this part of the brain was suppressed in the animal model, the success rate of the anticipated behavior drastically increased.

Associate Professor Palmer says this is an early milestone for research into addictive behaviors and conditions such as schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder.




منبع: گروه علوم بیومدیکال مقایسه­ای

  • گروه خبری : اخبار دانشکده
  • کد خبری : 79284


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